The 48 Laws of Getting a Husband

Are you a single woman that wants to get married? There are 48 bona fide LAWS to getting a man to ask you to marry him.

We're here to educate unmarried, single women that are interested in being traditional, submissive wives on how to embrace the old landmark; the benchmark of femininity, loyal companionship, supportive, sincere wives... to masculine, Alpha male, Patriarchal, Dominant, husbands, and still be successful, professional, college educated, businesswomen in today's world.

By joining this ongoing training, you will gain the following:

The 48 Laws to Getting a Husband
  • 48 Laws of Getting a Man to Marry You
  • Exclusive access to our teaching group where you can learn the 48 laws and what you need to know in order to get a man to ask you to marry him.
  • Access to Makabi Hillel Nageed as teacher and leader

Here's a sample of some of the laws you will be learning...

(1) Be genuinely friendly and happy...
(2) Be so feminine, soft, gentle, fragile, sweet, loving and caring that men can't help but speak to you first (be mysterious)...
(3) Be so feminine, soft, gentle, fragile, sweet, loving and caring that men can't take their eyes off of you (stand out from other women like a sore thumb)...
(4) Don't EVER meet a man halfway or go dutch EVER...
(5) Let him be the hunter he was created to be. Your only job is to be worth the hunt...
(6) Always give yourself a curfew and obey it...
(7) If he wants to vent to you, listen but do NOT offer any advice, comfort him or try to help him solve his problems whatsoever. Feel empathy for him but do NOT try to help him in any way...
(8) Stay busy...
(9) Leave him wanting more...

And there's more...

Makabi HIllel Nageed Ministries

Are you tired of just being a girlfriend and ready for MULTIPLE men to try to lock you down and put a ring on it? Not just any man, but a GOOD MAN.

If you want a Dominant, Masculine, Alpha Male to marry you, you need this training. Makabi Hillel Nageed has been teaching men how to be Alpha males going on 4 years now. And now he will be opening up my services to women.

By mastering this teaching, you will learn the art of getting marriage proposals. This training is not for everyone because it will require a change in your mindset and behavior.  These skills will NOT involve threatening to leave, giving ultimatums, whining, crying, or complaining about not getting married.

So if you want that ring, there are 48 LAWS that you will learn to incorporate into your life and follow without even trying. If you want NOT ONE, but multiple men asking you to marry them, subscribe now.