Alpha Male Dominance And Masculinity Boot Camp

We are happy you found your way here! The Rule Over Her Movement is ahead of its time and long overdue. We teach men “The Rules” to Supreme Rulership over women and how to be Alpha Males.

We encourage men to be the best and to live their best life. We never want men
to be taken advantage of or used. By changing who you are, you eliminate laziness, pity, blame shifting, hate and bitterness. Becoming a stronger being
Alpha Male Dominance and Masculinity
attracts all the best that life has to offer in your career, your relationships, and all other aspects of your life.

Many ask when is a book coming out. This  is your opportunity to be taught from Makabi Hillel Nageed himself. You can learn in real time on a daily basis teachings of the popular Facebook groups Kings Behind Closed Doors, 28 Days: The Art of Manifestation for Men/Way of the Black Samurai, and Men of The Most High.

It is a given fact that men are the rulers of women but we DO NOT advocate the abuse or bashing of women. Women bashing is an indication that you take ZERO responsibility for the role YOU play in your life and your relationships with women. We help men take responsibility for their lives and actions and step into their rightful place as rulers.

A small sample of the rules are:

  1. ALWAYS put yourself first!
  2. NEVER argue with a woman!
  3. You make ALL the decisions!
Makabi Hillel Nageed Ministries


If these rules sound foreign to you and you want to know how they help you become the ruler you are meant to be, then you are in the RIGHT PLACE.

This is only the beginning. There are approximately 160 rules but the more you embrace the Alpha male attitude, the easier it is to realize and recognize how the rules naturally occur when you’re a MASCULINE man.

In this ongoing training the rules are taught in detail. Join us as we learn how to carry out Genesis 3:16.